The Jackson Branch is now open.
  • Turtles All the Way Down

    By John Green (YA Gree)

    Aza Holmes is a young woman navigating daily existence within the ever-tightening spiral of her own thoughts.



  • Fans of the Impossible Life

    By Kate Scelsa (YA Scel)

    Sebby and Mira together craft a world of magic rituals and impromptu road trips, designed to fix the broken parts of their lives. As Jeremy finds himself drawn into Sebby and Mira's world, he begins to understand the secrets that they hide in order to protect themselves, to keep each other safe.



  • The Memory of Light

    By Francisco Stork (YA Stor)

    When Victoria Cruz wakes up in the psychiatric ward of a Texas hospital after her failed suicide attempt, she still has no desire to live, but as the weeks pass, and she meets Dr. Desai and three of the other patients, she begins to reflect on the reasons why she feels like a loser compared with the rest of her family, and to see a path ahead where she can make a life of her own.



  • Wintergirls

    By Laurie Halse Anderson (YA Ande)

    Lia and Cassie are best friends, wintergirls frozen in matchstick bodies, competitors in a deadly contest to see who can be the skinniest. But what comes after size zero and size double-zero? When Cassie succumbs to the demons within, Lia feels she is being haunted by her friend's restless spirit.



  • Highly Illogical Behavior

    By John Corey Whaley (YA Whal)

    Agoraphobic sixteen-year-old Solomon has not left his house in three years, but Lisa is determined to change that--and to write a scholarship-winning essay based on the results.



  • I’ll Give You the Sun

    By Jandy Nelson (YA Nels)

    A story of first love, family, loss, and betrayal told from different points in time, and in separate voices, by artists Jude and her twin brother Noah.



  • Fangirl

    By Rainbow Rowell (YA Rowe)

    Cath struggles to survive on her own in her first year of college while avoiding a surly roommate, bonding with a handsome classmate who only wants to talk about words, and worrying about her fragile father.



  • Eliza and Her Monsters

    By Francesca Zappia (YA Zapp)

    Eighteen-year-old Eliza Mirk is the anonymous creator of Monstrous Sea, a wildly popular webcomic, but when a new boy at school tempts her to live a life offline, everything she's worked for begins to crumble.



  • When We Collided

    By Emery Lord (YA Lord)

    Can seventeen-year-old Jonah save his family restaurant from ruin, his mother from her sadness, and his danger-seeking girlfriend Vivi from herself?



  • History is All You Left Me

    By Adam Silvera (YA Silv)

    Secrets are revealed as OCD-afflicted Griffin grieves for his first love, Theo, who died in a drowning accident.



  • The Astonishing Color of After

    By Emily X.R. Pan (YA Pan)

    After her mother's suicide, grief-stricken Leigh Sanders travels to Taiwan to stay with grandparents she never met, determined to find her mother who she believes turned into a bird.



  • Sparrow

    By Sarah Moon (YA Moon)

    Fourteen-year-old Sparrow has always been the kind of child who prefers reading books to playing with friends and since fifth grade the one person who seemed to understand her was the school librarian--so when Mrs. Wexler was killed in an accident, Sparrow's world came apart, and when she was found on the edge of the school roof everyone assumed that it was a suicide attempt, which Sparrow denies, but cannot find the words to explain.



  • 10 Things I Can See From Here

    By Carrie Mac (YA Mac)

    Maeve, a sufferer of severe anxiety, moves in with her recovering alcoholic father and her very pregnant stepmother and falls for a girl who is not afraid of anything.



  • Goodbye Days

    By Jeffrey Zentner (YA Zent)

    Looks at a teen's life after the death of his best friend and how he navigates through the guilt and pain by celebrating their lives--and ultimately learning to forgive himself.



  • Earth Hates Me

    By Ruby Karp (YA Karp)

    Sixteen-year-old Ruby Karp addresses the issues facing every highschooler, with dashes of humor throughout, from grades to peer pressure to Snapchat stories, and unpacks their complicated effects on the teen psyche.



  • Lighter Than My Shadow

    By Katie Green (YA 616.8526 Gree)

    Like most kids, Katie was a picky eater. But in any life a set of circumstance can collide, and normal behavior might soon shade into something sinister, something deadly. This hand-drawn story of struggle and recovery takes a trip into the black heart of a taboo illness, an exposure of those who are so weak as to prey on the vulnerable, and an inspiration to anybody who believes in the human power to endure towards happiness.