The Jackson Branch is now open.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I borrow a Chromebook and/or a hotspot?

Please visit any one of our 21 locations to fill out and sign a Tablet/Laptop/WIFI Hotspot lending agreement. If one is not available you can place a hold by calling or visiting a service desk at the pick-up location of your choice.

Do I need to have an Ocean County Library Card in order to borrow the devices?

Yes, you will need to have a valid Ocean County library card, with fines under $25 to borrow a device.

How long can I borrow the device?

A device may be checked out for 28 days.

Can I renew the device?

Devices are not renewable.

How do I return the device?

The device must be returned in person to the service desk, directly to a staff member. They cannot be returned to a library book-drop or left on the service desk.

What if the device is damaged or lost?

If the device is damaged or lost you will be charged the following amounts:

  • Laptop/Tablet: $400.00
  • Laptop/Tablet Carrycase: $50.00
  • Laptop/Tablet Charger: $25.00
  • WIFI Hotspot: $300.00
  • WIFI Hotspot Carrycase: $25.00
  • WIFI Hotspot Charger: $25.00
Will I have to accept any terms to use the devices?

You will need to sign a Tablet/Laptop/WIFI Hotspot Lending Agreement to borrow either device.

Do I need to borrow both devices?

The Chromebook has a WIFI hotspot built into it. So, if you already own a tablet, iPad or laptop at home and only need the Internet, then you just need to borrow the WIFI hotspot.

Am I able to save my documents or applications on the device?*

No, you may not save any documents or applications on the device. You are encouraged to use a USB drive, your personal email, cloud storage, or file sharing service before you return the device.

*This applies to Chromebook only.

I need help using the catalog.
I need help accessing digital materals.
I need help using the databases.
I need help using chat/text.