The Jackson Branch is now open.

Hey Teens! Are you in grades 7 through 12 and love to read? Here’s your chance to tell others about the books you read, encourage reading among your peers, and earn community service hours.

Become a Teen Book Reviewer!

Here’s all you have to do:

  • No matter your age or interest, OCL has GREAT books to choose from.  The books you review must not be on your school curriculum. You can refer to the Teen Recommended Reading page or Novelist Plus for recommended reads.

  • After you’ve read your book, tell us what you think.  Use the OCL Book Review Form as a format. Feel free to use the other side of the page if you have more you want to say.  Your audience is other teen readers. Give them enough info to help make a decision about what to read. Check out our sample review if you’re still not sure what to write.

  • Then we want you to be CREATIVE! You can use the attached form to make a book mark or you can make a book trailer or draw a character or scene from the book. Have an idea for another project? Talk it over with your teen librarian.  We want you to have fun and help us promote these awesome books.

  • You get three hours of community service time for each approved review.  You can submit up to five reviews per calendar year for a total of 15 qualifying volunteer hours.  In order for us to record your community service hours, you will need to submit a teen volunteer application form. You only need to submit it once so we have your info on record for our files.

  • Your reviews and creative visions will be on display in the Teen Area so that they can serve as a book selection guide for other readers and may even be selected to be posted online on the Library Teen Zone website under Teen Voices.

 All the materials you’ll need in order to submit your reviews (Book Review forms, sample book reviews, lists of award-winning books, etc.) are on the Library’s Teen Zone webpage or pick up a print copy of the Book Review Packet at your local branch.



Thank you for volunteering!

We look forward to hearing about what you’ve read and seeing your great reviews!