The Jackson Branch is now open.

Technology Classes Coming To Jackson Library

October 12, 2017

JACKSON – A series of technology classes is coming to the Jackson Branch of the Ocean County Library, 2 Jackson Drive.

  • “Microsoft Excel Basics” 10 a.m. Wednesday, November 1. Learn how to use this spreadsheet tool.
  • “NJ Career Connections: Navigating the Path to Employment” 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov 1. This tour of the NJ Career Connections website will include personal budgeting, resume writing, and interviewing. This class is funded by the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development Career Connections grant.
  • “Design & Print Holiday Place Cards” 2 p.m. Thursday, November 2. Learn how to design and print your own holiday place cards. This is an intermediate-level class. Internet skills are required and participants must have a working email address and know their passwords.
  • “Spotlight On: Windows 10” 2 p.m. Friday, November 3. Learn the features of Windows 10. This class will be held in the library’s meeting room on the first floor. Attendees may bring their own laptop.
  • “What’s Where on the OCL Website” 10 a.m. Wednesday, November 8. Discover the features of the Ocean County Library’s new website. Learn how to access the library’s catalog, research databases, calendar of events, and more.
  • “Presenting Google Drive” 10 a.m. Tuesday, November 14. Learn to upload files and folders, organize documents, share files, and more. Participants must have a working Gmail account and know their passwords.
  • “Microsoft Word Basics” 10 a.m. Thursday, November 16. Learn how to create and format a document, write text, change the size and color of words, print, and more.
  • “Microsoft PowerPoint Basics” 2 p.m. Tuesday, November 28. Learn the basics of creating an eye-catching and informative presentation.

Registration is required for these free classes. To sign up, call 732-928-4400, ext. 4 or visit

PDF icon 10-12-2017-jackson-tech-classes.pdf