We are delighted that you are interested in volunteering at your Ocean County Library! Volunteer opportunities exist for both adults and teens. If you are a 12 years or older and want to learn more about volunteering at Ocean County Library please click here to visit our Teen Volunteering information page.
Volunteers are the heart of the library—adult volunteers give countless hours to further our library’s mission…connecting people, building community, and transforming lives. During a typical year, library adult volunteers provide more than 21,000 hours of service.
Library staff works with you to determine which volunteering opportunities are right for you and your schedule. We appreciate the service you provide.
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Want to know more about adult volunteering opportunities at your library?
Our adult volunteers perform a variety of tasks that are very important to operation of Ocean County Library. Some adult volunteering opportunities do require a background check (paid by the library).Volunteer opportunities vary by branch but some of the things volunteers do are:
Volunteer “adopts” a section of shelves to keep in proper order the collection. He/she removes items that do not belong in the section and straightens the remaining items. The amount of time varies with the person and section of shelves adopted.
Volunteer consults with staff to choose materials to read. He/she arranges for copies of the books for discussion. Leadership of the group may rotate among the members and total volunteer hours involve all facets of the process from arranging for the books to doing the evaluation of the session.
Adult volunteer reads a library books of his/her choice with the requirement that they are available in OCL large print and/or audio book collection. Volunteer’s book reviews are compiled into a reference sheets monthly for distribution to homebound customers. These customers use reviews to reference when choosing library items.
Volunteer aids staff by collating and stapling materials, cutting out items, and assisting with materials for program presentations. Also, may assist with data entry.
Volunteer uses CD/DVD disk cleaning kit to lightly clean DVDs, audio book disks and music CDs. Identifies any severely damaged disks or media cases with missing materials. This is a very important service to help the staff keep the media collection in top condition. Can be done sitting at a table.
Volunteer meets with a group of six to twelve immigrant adults to develop their English conversation skills in a relaxed, social setting.Group usually meets for one and half hours each week. Conversation starter materials are provided by the library.
Each branch has a Friends of the Library group. The purpose of the Friends is to create public interest in the library by promoting knowledge of its functions, resources, services, and to foster public support for its ongoing operations and future needs. The Friends design and manage fundraising activities in support of the library. For more information on our Friends groups,
please go to our Branches page and select a branch.
Volunteers deliver and pick up and return library items on behalf of library customers who are homebound due to illness or disability. Visits are arranged around the volunteer’s schedule. Customers are generally assigned who are in a nearby community to the volunteer. Training is provided. A criminal background check is required. All homebound customers must a physician’s referral. Time requirement is about 2 to 3 hours per month.
Ready to volunteer?
If you are interested in volunteering at one of our branches, please download and complete this Adult Volunteer Application, fill it out and bring it into your branch of choice. You can also visit your local branch to fill out an Adult Volunteer Application in person. Once your application is accepted, a staff member will go over the volunteering opportunities available at your branch and offer training to help you get started. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Ocean County Library Volunteer Services at HVS@theoceancountylibrary.org.
Thanks for your interest in volunteering at your library!
Volunteer Selection ProcessThe Ocean County Library does not discriminate in accepting volunteers based on race, nationality, alien status, gender, age, ability, or religion. Applicants will be selected based on their qualifications in relation to the Library’s operational needs and on their ability to commit to a consistent schedule of volunteer hours.