April 15, 2023
10 am – 3 pm
Toms River Branch
The Autism Resources Fair, founded in 2017, is a yearly event aiming to bring state and local resources to our community members.
The Ocean County Library’s goal is to provide resources for all ages, caregivers, and educators through programming, speakers, workshops, and more – all provided by experts in the field.
Keynote Speaker
New Jersey's Ombudsman for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities & Their Families
12:00pm Bishop Building
Providing support for issues including adult and children’s services, civil rights education, employment, federal and state policies, health and safety, housing, legal matters, public safety, and transportation. The office helps individuals and families through New Jersey’s system of care, seeks input from them for improvements, and ensures that they are represented in policy decisions that affect them.
Paul Aronsohn also serves on the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities. He was a member of the Human and Children Services Committee within Governor Phil Murphy’s transition team.
Professional Development certificate available.
Please Register.
The Fair provides a forum in which families affected by autism can access resources of state, county, and local organizations.
40 groups include medical professionals, therapists, advocates, schools, and other agencies.
10:00am - 3:00pm
While gathering valuable information, visitors at the Ocean County Library’s annual Autism Resources Fair will be able to pause, enjoy the calming and comforting items in the Toms River Branch's Sensory Space on the second floor.
10:00am - 2:00pm
Toms River's Children's Department
While gathering valuable information, visitors at the Ocean County Library’s annual Autism Resources Fair will be able to pause, enjoy, and take home samples of the balloon artistry of Debby Pease.
10:00am - 11:00am
Bishop Building
Participants in the one-hour session will experience gentle, sensessharpening stretching and breathing exercises, and will leave with the ability to conduct their routines at home.
Ages 13+ Please Register.
10:30am OR 12:15pm
Hometown Dairy
Siblings of children with developmental disabilities will have a chance to mingle in a relaxed, non-therapy setting. Cultivate new friendships, share ideas about handling tricky situations with their siblings, to validate their feelings, and to feel good about themselves.
Ages 7 - 15 Please Register for one session.
10:00am | Ages 3 - 12
OR 11:45am | Ages 13+
Green Room
All ability levels will have a fun and accessible experience singing and playing along with SLP Musically’s Ms. Kat. No experience is needed. Play on adapted percussion instruments and sing in all ways, including through switches and other augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices.
Please Register for one session.
11:00am - 12:00pm
Bishop Building
Dr. Susan Smith-Foley will offer an overview of evidence-supported Developmental Relationship-Based Interventions (DRBI) in autism care, including those related to DIR/Floortime. Discussion will touch on differences between DRBI and the behavioral model known as ABA therapy. The workshop will include ample time for questions and answers.
Please Register.
Professional Development certificate available.
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Sparks's Lab Makerspace
Drop in to the Makerspace to make a calming Sensory Shaker Bottle. The program is open to individuals aged 13 and older, with caregivers. Crafting materials will be available while supplies last.
1:15pm - 2:00pm
Bishop Building
Accidents, natural disasters, and tragedies can’t be completely avoided, but knowledgeable planning can mitigate their impacts. Jamie Arasz Prioli, MS, CRC, ATP, Assistant Director of Disability Services at Ocean County College, will conduct the seminar to help individuals with autism and their families, friends, and caregivers cope with emergencies.
Please Register.
Professional Development certificate available.
ABA Therapy: an Overview
1:15pm - 2:00pm
Hometown Dairy
ABA focuses on improving specific behaviors, such as social skills, communication, & adaptive learning skills, such as fine motor dexterity, hygiene, grooming, & domestic capabilities. ABA is effective for children with psychological disorders including Autism Spectrum.
Please Register.
Professional Development certificate available.
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Toms River's Children's Department
Practice your reading skills in the company of gentle therapy dogs.
All Ages Please Register.
The Ocean County Library Foundation is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization established in 2001, to enhance the services and opportunities offered to all Ocean County Library users. We support and believe in the Ocean County Library’s Mission of “Connecting People, Building Community, and Transforming Lives.” The Foundation undertakes a variety of fund-raising and grant writing activities, using our skills at raising both private and public funds to provide support for non-traditional library programs and services not covered by tax dollars or budget. The Library Foundation is committed toward the goal of enhancing all library services, programs, and facilities to foster an appreciation and awareness of the Ocean County Library in the community.
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