The Jackson Branch is now open.

AARP Tax Assistance

March 02, 2018

JACKSON – The Jackson Branch of the Ocean County Library will host several free tax assistance sessions by members of AARP. Sessions will take place on the following dates from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

  • Mar. 8
  • Mar. 15
  • Mar. 22
  • Mar. 29
  • Apr. 5
  • Apr. 12

The branch is located 2 Jackson Drive.

Attendees must bring previous year(s) returns, photo ID, social security or ITIN card, and all relevant documents related to the tax years to be prepared.

There is no age requirement. Appointments are required. To make an appointment, call 732-928-4400, ext. 3808.

PDF icon 03-02-2018-jackson-aarp.pdf