The Jackson Branch is now open.

December Technology Classes Coming To Jackson Library

December 01, 2017

JACKSON – A series of technology classes is coming to the Jackson Branch of the Ocean County Library, 2 Jackson Drive.

  • “Computers 101” 2 p.m. Monday, Dec. 11. This class will provide an overview of the mouse, keyboard, files, folders, saving documents, and more for new computer users.
  • “Microsoft Word Basics” 10 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 12. Learn how to create and format a document, write text, change the size and color of words, print, and more.
  • “Microsoft Excel Basics” 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 13. Learn how to use this spreadsheet.
  • “Introduction to the Internet” 10 a.m. Friday, Dec. 15. Learn how to access the internet, search, and browse a particular topic. Participants must be comfortable using a computer mouse and keyboard.

Registration is required for these free classes. To sign up, call 732-928-4400, ext. 4 or visit

PDF icon 12-01-2017december-tech-classes.pdf