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Lacey Library To Screen Local Documentary

April 25, 2017

LACEY - The Ocean County Library will offer encore screenings of “Legends of Lacey Township: A Tour Through Time” at the Lacey Branch, 10 East Lacey Road in Forked River. The viewings will be held Wednesdays, May 10 and May 31 at 7 pm.

This locally produced documentary shares first hand accounts of the shore town that saw a spike in its population during the 1960s with the addition of a highway and a nuclear power plant. This film provides and entertaining journey through historic Lacey Township and what it looked like decades ago.

The film was completed in just two month’s time by local residents: Andy DiAngelis, Jeremy Muermann, Steven Krawiec and Winter Rose Barney.

The program is free and open to the public, but registration is required. To register call the Lacey Branch at 609-693-8566 or visit

PDF icon 04-25-2017-legends-of-lacey.pdf