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Berkeley Library Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month With “Day of the Dead/Dia De Los Muertos” Program

September 29, 2017

BERKELEY – The Berkeley Branch of the Ocean County Library, 30 Station Rd. is hosting a “Day of the Dead/Dia de los Muertos” program at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 18.

Learn about this Mexican holiday that is truly a celebration of life. Presenter Sue Good will show photos of the celebration from Oaxaca, Mexico, and will explain the symbolism behind ofrendas (altars set up to honor and remember ancestors).

The presentation will conclude with a craft. Children ages 6 and up, teens, and family members are welcome to attend.

Registration is required for this free event. To register call 732-269-2144 or visit

PDF icon 09-29-2017-berkeley-day-of-dead.pdf