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Point Pleasant Library To Host Author Patricia H. Burke

November 10, 2017

POINT PLEASANT – Author Patricia H. Burke will host a host a book discussion at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Dec.13 at the Point Pleasant Branch of the Ocean County Library, 834 Beaver Dam Rd.

Burke who wrote “Barnegat Bay Decoys and Gunning Clubs” will speak about her newly published book, “Gerard Rutgers Hardenbergh, Artist and Ornithologist.” Hardenbergh summered on his houseboat moored in Bay Head in the 19th century.

The book discussion will be followed with a question and answer session. Copies of her book will be available for purchase. Attendees are asked to register for this adult program sponsored by the Friends of the Point Pleasant Borough Branch by calling 732-295-1555 or visit

PDF icon 11-10-2017-point-pleasant-patricia-burke-author-visit.pdf