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Magical Day Trips To Be Explored At Toms River Library

September 29, 2017

TOMS RIVER – Join local author Natalie Zaman as she takes you on a tour of some magical day trips at 2 pm Saturday, Oct. 28 at the Toms River Library 101 Washington St.

Some of these day trips are close by and some are further afield where you can enjoy the spirit of the autumn season.

Discover nearby history, houses of worship, folklore, natural wonders, museums and many. Plan day trips and weekend getaways based on discoveries found in Zaman’s book “Magical Destinations of the Northeast.” You may discover some magic in your own backyard.

Registration is required for this adult program. To register call 732-793-3996 or visit

Parking is free on weekends in the top two levels of the Toms River parking garage located behind the library and in the Ocean County parking garage on Hooper Avenue.

PDF icon 09-29-2017-magical-day-trips.pdf