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The Facts And Fiction Of Immigration To Be Discussed At The Ocean County Library

September 07, 2017

TOMS RIVER – Learn about immigration during an interactive session on the subject at four Ocean County Library locations.

The program “Immigration: Facts and Fiction” will be led by Professor Jeff Wilhelms. Bring your questions, concerns, and a willingness to engage in a conversation that will inform participants about our immigrant neighbors.

The programs will take place at the following locations and dates:

  • Stafford Branch, 129 N. Main St. 609-597-3381, 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 13.
  • Barnegat Branch, 112 Burr St. 609-698-3331, 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 20.
  • Lakewood Branch, 301 Lexington Ave. 732-363-1435 Saturday, Sept. 23.
  • Toms River Branch, 101 Washington St. 732-349-6200, Wednesday, Sept. 27.

Registration is not required for this program.

PDF icon 09-07-2017-immigration-forum.pdf