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Welcoming Congressman Chris Smith

On Saturday, April 17, 2021, the Ocean County Library was honored to greet Congressman Chris Smith, who represents Ocean County and New Jersey’s Fourth Congressional District in Washington, DC.

He was met by Ocean County Commissioner Joseph H. Vicari, the Board’s liaison to the Library; Ocean County Library Commission Chair, Ruthanne Scaturro; Ocean County Department of Consumer Affairs Director Stephen Scaturro; Library Director Susan Quinn; and Ocean County Library Staff.

Here, then, is a visual record of the day’s proceedings.



Left to Right: Congressman Chris Smith, Library Commission Chair Ruthanne Scaturro, Ocean County Commissioner Joseph H. Vicari, Ocean County Department of Consumer Affairs Director Stephen Scaturro, Library Director Susan Quinn.

Congressman Chris Smith visited the Ocean County Library’s Toms River Branch during National Autism Awareness Month. Here he reviews the programs and activities in the library’s 4th Annual Autism Resources Fair held virtually in 2021. Congressman Smith was recipient of the Congressional Leadership Award by the “Autism Speaks” national advocacy group for his leadership on behalf of individuals with autism and their families. Congressman Smith authored the Autism CARES Act of 2019 to authorize $1.8 billion over five years to help children and adults with autism by funding research, early detection and treatment with broad bipartisan support and which was signed into law on September 30, 2019 by President Donald J. Trump.


The Joseph H. Vicari Sensory Space, in the Ocean County Library Toms River Branch. The space is designed to develop the senses, encourage communication and social interactions, relieve stress and anxiety, and promote calmness and well-being. It sends a positive message to people with varying degrees of sensory processing who might feel inhibited in social environments.


The 2021 Autism Awareness Month Proclamation from the Ocean County Board of Commissioners. Left to Right: Library Director Susan Quinn, Library Commission Chair Ruthanne Scaturro, Youth Services Coordinator Katie McKnight, Congressman Chris Smith, and Ocean County Commissioner Joseph H. Vicari.


Left to Right: Library Commission Chair Ruthanne Scaturro, Congressman Chris Smith, Ocean County Commissioner Joseph H. Vicari, Library Director Susan Quinn.

Library Director Susan Quinn shares information about the Joseph H. Vicari Sensory Space.


Left to Right: Library Director Susan Quinn, Library Commission Chair Ruthanne Scaturro, Congressman Chris Smith, Ocean County Commissioner Joseph H. Vicari.


Library Commission Chair Ruthanne Scaturro and Congressman Chris Smith explore the interactive “Iris Musical Touch Wall” feature of the Joseph H. Vicari Sensory Space.


Left to Right: Ocean County Department of Consumer Affairs Director Stephen Scaturro, Library Commission Chair Ruthanne Scaturro, Congressman Chris Smith, Ocean County Commissioner Joseph H. Vicari.


Library Director Susan Quinn and Ocean County Commissioner Joe Vicari present the Library’s Sensory Space Collection, a collection of books, materials and other resources on the topic of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) found outside the Joseph H. Vicari Sensory Space. Left to Right: Library Director Susan Quinn, Ocean County Commissioner Joseph H. Vicari, Congressman Chris Smith, Library Commission Chair Ruthanne Scaturro.


Left to Right: Library Director Susan Quinn, Ocean County Commissioner Joseph H. Vicari, Library Commission Chair Ruthanne Scaturro, Ocean County Department of Consumer Affairs Director and Ocean County Vocational Technical School Vice President Stephen Scaturro, Congressman Chris Smith.


Left to Right: Library Commission Chair Ruthanne Scaturro, Congressman Chris Smith, Ocean County Commissioner Joseph H. Vicari, Toms River Assistant Branch Manager Gigi Hayes.

Toms River Assistant Branch Manager Gigi Hayes demonstrates features of the Library’s Self-Service Kiosks that provide library patrons with a contactless way to check out library books and materials.