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Youth Art To Be Displayed at Toms River Library

January 24, 2017

TOMS RIVER –Amazing works of art created by students from across the Toms River Regional School District will be displayed during the month of March at the Ocean County Library’s Toms River Branch, 101 Washington St.

The Toms River Regional School System, in partnership with the Ocean County Library, will hold a free reception from 6:00 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. on Monday, March 6. Join us to browse the artwork, enjoy live music from the Intermediate South Orchestra, and meet the artists and their teachers. Teen volunteers will be on hand to greet and assist visitors.

All 18 schools in the district will display artwork throughout areas of the library. Thousands of students, parents, teachers and library patrons will browse the two-dimensional and threedimensional works of art created by talented students.

Youth Art Month began nationally in 1961 in order to display student art to the public. The Ocean County Library has celebrated Youth Art Month by showcasing student work for the past 10 years.

Registration is not required.

PDF icon TOMS RIVER Youth Art Month.pdf