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- January 18, 2017
TOMS RIVER – The Young Adult Department of the township branch of the Ocean County Library hosts several clubs each month for teens age 12-18 with special interests.
Every first Thursday of the month the branch hosts its League of Teen Gamers from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Teen Zone on the second floor. The hour long program involves a variety of different activities ranging from board games, video games, crafts and programs involving the branch’s maker space Sparks’s Lab. New members are always welcome.
The Teen Anime Club meets every second Tuesday of the month from 4:30 to 6 p.m. This club is aimed at teens that enjoy Manga (Japanese comic books) and Japanese style cartoons. The club is also for fans of “J-pop”, also known simply as pops, which is a musical genre that entered the musical mainstream of Japan in the 1990s.
Teen Cuisine meets from 6:30 to 7:30 each last Tuesday of the month to cook up some fun. From savory to sweet, prepare and enjoy a new recipe each month. No experience needed.
Those seeking to join these clubs can register by calling 732-349-6200 or register online at The branch is located at 101 Washington St. Toms River.