- Autism NJ
- Provides guidance on assisting individuals with wearing masks, adjusting to the disruption in their routines, coping with regression and challenging behaviors, homeschooling resources, and useful apps. Also contains strategies for caregiver self-care, financial concerns, and practical information regarding COVID-19 and its effects on the delivery of therapies. Autism NJ also has a hotline: 1-800-428-8476.
- Harvard Health Publishing: Harvard Medical School
- An article containing tips for helping those with ASD cope with taking a COVID test and adjust to wearing masks.
- The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities
- A social story about wearing masks for adults with developmental disabilities.
- Education Law Center
- Contains information about the rights of students with disabilities while schools are closed.
- New Jersey Autism Warriors
- This Facebook group is the online caregiver support group for POAC Autism Services. Learn how other people have coped with the challenges that you are encountering, and provide advice to others
- Mom2Mom Helpline
- Provides peer support to mothers of children and adults with special needs. Can also be reached by phone at 1-877-914-6662.
- The Arc of New Jersey
- Contains COVID-19 resources for individuals and their caregivers – including plain-language explanations, a list of 75 stay-at-home activities, housing updates, and income support.
- New Jersey Division of Disability Services
- Contains an emergency preparedness checklist for people with disabilities.
- Autism Speaks
- Has a wide variety of resources geared toward families and toward adults who have autism. There is an Autism Response Team (ART) available to answer questions by phone, email, and live chat (1-888- 288-4762). Also contains tips for discussing COVID-19 with your child, a social story about wearing masks, guidance if your child needs to be hospitalized, behavioral resources, coping with stress, and parental training and support resources.
- Child Mind Institute’s Autism Center
- Offers suggestions for talking to your children about the coronavirus, teaching handwashing techniques, developing routines and creating schedules, and writing an emergency plan.
- Echo Autism
- Contains information about teaching handwashing to children, how to do ABA, speech, and OT therapy at home, behavior management techniques, how to teach at home (including links to websites on various subjects), and more.
- Wolf + Friends
- Available as a free app through the App Store and Google Play, this resource enables you to meet moms in your area who are raising children with special needs. Contains homeschooling resources, free articles, Zoom video chats, and a directory of specialists in particular fields.
- Education.com
- Contains free printable worksheets on a wide variety of topics for children in preschool through fifth grade. Also has online games, songs, activities, and stories. Must create a free account to use.
- SplashLearn
- Uses fun, online games to teach math to children in grades 1 to 5. A free account is necessary to access some of the resources.
Employment Training and Assistance
Allaire Community Farm → Provides PreEmployment Training, Therapy Farm Animals
Community Options → Employment Training for High School Students, Employment, Housing
New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (One-Stop Career Centers are closed during the pandemic) → Employment Assistance
Water & Sims → Provides Supported Employment Services
Information and Referral
Ocean County Department of Human Services (Children’s InterAgency Coordinating Council, Office of Individuals with Disabilities) → Information and Referral, Advocacy, Community Education
Ocean County Health Department → Information and Referral
SPAN Advocacy Network → Information and Referral, Caregiver Support and Resource Center
Toms River Mayor’s Advisory Council on the Americans with Disabilities Act → Advocacy and Assistance
Toms River Mayor’s Advisory Committee on Developmental Disabilities → Advocacy and Assistance
Legal Services
Community Health Law Project → Legal and Advocacy Services.
Hinkle Prior & Fischer → Special Education Law, Estate Planning
The Matus Law Group → Special Education Law, Estate Planning
Sussan Greenwald, & Wesler → Special Education Law, Estate Planning
Medical Specialists
Children’s Specialized Hospital → Developmental Pediatricians, Neurologists, Psychiatrists
Children’s Wellness & Developmental Center → Developmental Pediatrics, Holistic, and Biomedical Treatments
Community Medical Center → Autism-Friendly ER
Developmental Pediatrics of Central NJ → Developmental Pediatrics
KidZdent → Special Needs Dentistry
The Milestones Center → Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
Ocean Pediatric Dental Associates → Special Needs Dentistry
Canine Companions for Independence → Service Dogs
Encouraging Kids Family Resource Center → After School, Evening, and Weekend Programs for Students with Special Needs. Educational Advocacy.
The Friendship Circle of Central Jersey → Social and Respite Programs
Mosaic Music Therapy → Music Therapy
New Jersey Camp Jaycee → Summer Camp
New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities → Public Policy
Ocean County Family Support Organization → Peer Support, Dissemination of Information, and Family Training
POAC Autism Services → Recreational and Support Services, Family Training
Rising Treetops at Oakhurst Summer Camp
We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym → Recreation (Indoor Play)
Multiservice Organizations
Easterseals NJ → Summer Camp, Behavioral Health Services, Residential Services, Day Programs, Supported Employment
Ladacin Network → Services for All Ages: School, Therapy, Day Programs, Vocational Therapy, Housing
SERV Behavioral Health Systems → Services for All Ages: In-Home Services, Vocational Training, Residential Services
21 Plus, Inc. → Residential Services, Vocational Services, Supported Employment
New Jersey State Services
For behavior therapy and respite for children under the age of 21, contact PerformCare (the New Jersey Children’s System of Care) at www.performcarenj.org or by calling 1-877-652-7624.
To inquire about home and community-based services for individuals 21 and older, contact the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) at www.nj.gov/humanservices/ddd/home or by calling 1-800-832-9173.
A “Transition to Adulthood Timeline for Parents,” which begins at age 14, is available on The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities’ website. Click here to view this document.
Ability Advocates of NJ → Support Coordination for Division of Developmental Disabilities Services
A Bright Tomorrow → Support Coordination for Division of Developmental Disabilities Services
A Care Connection of New Jersey → Support Coordination for Division of Developmental Disabilities Services
Ocean Partnership for Children → Care Management and Service Planning for Children with Behavioral and Emotional Challenges (accessible through PerformCare)
Owen Health Care → Children’s Behavior Therapy through PerformCare, Support Coordination for Division of Developmental Disabilities Services, Respite, Summer Camp, Supported Employment
PrimeTime Center → Adult Day Programs (Life Skills, Recreation, Social Skills, Vocational Skills, and More) (admission through DDD)
SPWA Services → Support Coordination for Division of Developmental Disabilities Services
Safety Agency
Ocean County Commission on Child Safety and Awareness → Safety
Ocean County Sheriff’s Office → Safety
To view a comprehensive list of schools, visit Autism NJ’s Directory of Schools Serving Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
The Alpha School → School for Ages 5 to 21
Children’s Center of Monmouth County → School for Ages 3 to 21
The Gateway School → School for Ages 5 to 21
The Harbor School → School for Ages 5 to 21
Hawkswood School → School for Ages 3 to 21
Ocean County College → Education (Disability Services)
Ocean County College → Summer Camp
The Shore Center for Students with Autism → School for Ages 3 to 21
Therapy (ABA, Occupational, Physical, Speech)
Brain Builders → ABA, OT, Speech. New Toms River center offers ABA & Therapy Services under one roof! Remote learning can also be done at the center, as per individual child's needs and insurance approval.
Brett DiNovi & Associates → ABA Therapy
Caring Family Community Services ABA Therapy
Children’s Specialized Hospital (1-888-244-5373) → Speech, OT, PT, Feeding Therapy
The Family Resource Network → ABA Therapy, Recreational Programs, Information
Graham Behavior Services → ABA Therapy
Hybridge Learning Group → ABA, Speech, OT
Kaleidoscope Family Solutions → ABA Therapy
Limitless Victory Therapy Services → Occupational Therapy
Proud Moments ABA → ABA Therapy
The Puzzle Place Center for Autism → ABA, Speech, OT
Sensory Playground → ABA, Speech, OT, PT
Social Behavior Learning Solutions → ABA Therapy
Speech Language Associates → Speech Therapy
Speech Pathology Solutions, LLC → Speech Therapy
Sunny Days Sunshine Center → ABA, OT, PT, Speech
Unlocked Potential → ABA Therapy
Weisman Children’s Rehabilitation Hospital → Feeding, OT, PT, Speech
Autism Parent Support & Disscussion Group
Autism Society Southwest New Jersey Affiliate
Central NJ Special Education Parent Leaders Group
New Jersey Autism Warriors
New Jersey Parents of Children with Special Needs
NJ Special Needs Connection
Parent Advisory Group of Toms River Special Education
Parent to Parent NJ
Sensory Ideas for Kids
SPAN Parent Advocacy Network
The apps listed below are free to download, although they may offer in-app purchases.
Autism Support Groups
MyAutismTeam (Apple and Android)
→Caregivers can meet other people in similar circumstances, make friends, and get practical tips.
Behavioral Intervention Plan
I’m On It: Focus Timer for ADHD & ASD (Android Only)
→Helps individuals stay focused on tasks by allowing the user to set a timer for specific activities.
Autism Early Intervention App (Android Only)
→Works on academics, social skills, and daily routines. Contains visual cues, tactile tracing, and audio information.
AutEdu (Autism Education) (Android Only)
→Enables communication between caregivers and teachers.
Otsimo (Apple and Android)
→Teaches letters, numbers, colors, animals, and more. Also provides Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC), which is often used in speech therapy.
Functional Life Skills
Daniel Tiger for Parents (Apple and Android)
→Helps develop skills such as sharing, potty training, and working through emotions.
Aiko & Egor: Animation 4 Autism (Apple and Android)
→Uses simplified animations and interactive characters to teach. Best watched with caregivers.
Infant Zoo LITE for Babies (Apple Only)
→Provides visual input through high quality illustrations, animal sounds, and stimulating bubbles.
Magic Fluids Lite (in App Store) / Magic Fluids Free (in Google Play) (Apple and Android)
→Promotes calming and relaxation by allowing users to create a dynamic wallpaper. Touch the screen and watch beautiful motions of colorful smoke and water.
Health Management
Chronaly: Powered for Autism (Apple and Android)
→Track behavior and health. Share data with teachers and therapists. Also allows you to create a schedule.
Have questions about hoopla?
Go to → hoopla instructions.
Resources for Caregivers
School Success for Kids With Autism
By Andrew Egel, Katherine Holman, and Christine Barthold
By outlining the best practices found in today's classrooms, School Success for Kids With Autism describes how parents and teachers can work together to create nurturing, supportive, and effective classroom environments from preschool to high school. With practical tools and advice from leaders in the field of autism education, this book is sure to give these students, their parents, and their teachers guidance for success.
An Early Start for Your Child with Autism: Using Everyday Activities to Help Kids Connect, Communicate, and Learn
By Geraldine Dawson & Sally Rogers, Audiobook Read by Ann Marie Lee
This encouraging guide from the developers of a groundbreaking early intervention program provides doable, practical strategies you can use every day. The authors make it surprisingly simple to turn daily routines like breakfast or bath time into fun and rewarding learning experiences that target crucial developmental skills. Vivid examples illustrate proven techniques for promoting play, language, and engagement. Get an early start and give your child the tools to explore and enjoy the world.
Coloring Outside Autism’s Lines: 50+ Activities, Adventures, and Celebrations for Families with Children with Autism
By Susan Walton
This book is packed with exciting ideas for families living with autism, with everything you need to know to make them a reality. Including: unconventional backyard fun, easy ways to adapt public places into stress-free outings, surprising activities that can lead to lifelong interests, and special activities for grandparents and extended family members, with tips and advice from dozens of creative families who have found fun with autism and want you to do the same!
Tic Toc Autism Clock: A Guide to Your 24/7 Plan
By Elizabeth Obrey & Linda Barboa
Autism does not sleep. When night falls, families everywhere tuck their children into bed for what will typically be a good night's sleep, but the care required by the child with special needs continues around the clock. Like Grandfather's pocket watch, if not wound consistently, the ticking will stop. Teachers and therapists often provide some services during the day, but the family is the 24/7 team.
A Treasure Chest of Behavioral Strategies for Individuals with Autism
By Beth Fouse & Maria Wheeler
A cornucopia of ideas, strategies, and concepts that will apply to virtually any situation! The authors address sensory, communication, and physical and social-emotional issues by increasing desired behaviors and decreasing unwanted behaviors. Whatever problems you face, you'll find helpful solutions to them in this book. This book should be on every teacher's and parent's bookshelf.
The Parent’s Guide to College for Students on the Autism Spectrum
By Jane Thierfield Brown, Ed.D.; Lorraine E. Wolf, PhD; Lisa King, MD; and Ruth Kukiela Bork, M.Ed.
Arranged in the order that students and their family will go through during the college process, each chapter of this book begins with an overview and a vignette of a student and where he or she is in the college process. This parent-friendly book, written by parents who are also autism professionals, takes the fear and mystery out of the college experience in a world that sees an increasing number of individuals with autism spectrum disorders attending college.
Resources for Teens & Adults
The Autism Job Club: The Neurodiverse Workforce in the New Normal of Employment
By Michael S. Bernick & Richard Holden
The Autism Job Club is a groundbreaking book for bringing adults with autism and other neuro-diverse conditions into the work world. The authors review the high unemployment rates among adults with autism and other neuro-diverse condition, and outline and explain six strategies that, taken together, will reshape employment for adults with autism. The Autism Job Club will be a vital resource for adults with autism, their families, and advocates who are committed to neuro-diverse employment, not unemployment.
The Autism Playbook for Teens: Imagination-Based Mindfulness Activities to Calm Yourself, Build Independence, and Connect with Others
By Irene McHenry & Carol Moog
This book offers a unique, strengths-based approach to help teens with autism spectrum (including Asperger's Syndrome) develop social skills, strengthen communication, and thrive. The activities contained in each chapter are custom-designed to work with the unique perspectives, sensory processing, neurological strengths and challenges that teens with autism bring to their encounters with the social world. This is the only book available for teens with autism that specifically integrates mindfulness skills and imaginative scripted roleplaying activities for building authentic social experiences.
The Aspie Teen’s Survival Guide: Candid Advice for Teens, Tweens, and Parents, from a Young Man with Asperger’s Syndrome
By J.D. Kraus
The teenage years are a time when being social is the #1 priority for kids. But for kids with Asperger's, who have acute social challenges, these years can be the most difficult, confusing time in their lives. Enter J. D. Kraus, a young man who has been there, done that! He offers practical advice to his peers so they can get the most out of middle school and high school, both academically and socially. Parents and teachers will love seeing life through J.D.'s eyes, plus "Notes to Parents" sections offer great advice for caregivers and educators alike.
Resources for Educators
Teaching Children with Autism in the General Classroom: Strategies for Effective Inclusion and Instruction in the General Education Classroom
By Vicky Spencer & Cynthia Simpson
Teaching Children With Autism in the General Classroom provides an introduction to inclusionary practices that serve children with autism, giving teachers the practical advice they need to ensure each student receives the quality education he or she deserves. Promoting field-tested strategies and techniques, this book offers teachers sound advice for creating a classroom environment conducive to learning success for children with autism spectrum disorders.
Social Skills Games & Activities for Kids with Autism
By Wendy Ashcroft, Ed.D., Angela M. Delloso, and Anne Marie K. Quinn
This book provides complete instructions for using fun, engaging games and activities to teach social skills to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Perfect for teachers struggling to help their students with autism learn to interact socially with their peers, these games are sure to become a much-loved part of students’ daily routines.
Teaching Adolescents with Autism: Practical Strategies for the Inclusive Classroom
By Walter Kaweski
Award-winning educator Walter Kaweski offers secondary teachers practical strategies and heartfelt insights based on his extensive experience as an autism specialist, inclusion coordinator, and father of a son with Asperger syndrome. Teaching Adolescents with Autism offers hundreds of valuable ideas to help teachers. This unique book takes the mystery out of teaching adolescents with autism and inspires teachers to appreciate the individuality of each student.
Educating Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Guide for Teachers, Counselors, and Psychologists
By Erin E. Barton & Beth Harn
Educating Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders is aimed at providing strategies for teachers, school counselors, and psychologists to help address the needs of children on the spectrum, as well as their families. Including forms, charts, and a range of classroom activities, this is a great resource you will need 23 to gain the insight and tools for making a difference in the educational lives of young children with autism.
Managing the Cycle of Meltdowns for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
By Geoff Colvin & Martin R. Sheehan
This practitioner-friendly guide provides special and general education teachers of autistic students with a six-phase positive behavior support model that includes interventions for each phase. This book outlines practical steps for preventing and responding to the various phases of meltdown behavior in students with autism spectrum disorder. Teachers will find experienced guidance for providing a supportive environment in which students with ASD can succeed.
Ten Things Your Student with Autism Wishes You Knew
By Ellen Notbohm & Veronica Zysk
For the teacher in all of us comes Ten Things Your Student with Autism Wishes You Knew. The unique perspective of a child's voice helps us understand the thinking patterns that guide their actions, shape an environment conducive to their learning style, and communicate with them in meaningful ways. This book affirms that autism imposes no inherent upper limits on achievement, that both teacher and child "can do it."
Practical Solutions for Stabilizing Students with Classic Autism to be Ready to Learn: Getting to Go!
By Judy Endow, MSW
This user-friendly book presents evidence-based, easy-to-use strategies within two major areas of stabilization found critical for students on the autism spectrum: sensory regulation and use of visual supports. With proper use of these strategies, the student with classic autism can get to GO! – feeling regulated and supported and, therefore, ready to learn and participate.