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Author To Examine “An American Muslim Identity” At Toms River Library

October 17, 2017

TOMS RIVER – Sabeeha Rehman, a Muslim-American woman of Pakistani descent, will discuss her book “Threading My Prayer Rug” during a program at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 20 at the Toms River Branch of the Ocean County Library 101 Washington St. Toms River.

The program is free but registration is required. To register, call 732-349-6200 or visit

Free parking is available after 5 p.m. in the top and middle levels of the Toms River parking garage behind the library and all levels, anytime in the Ocean County parking garage on Hooper Avenue.

PDF icon 10-17-2017-tr-author-examines-american-muslim-identity.pdf